Vision, Mission and Core Values
1. Vision
“To see peoples of the Sidama Region, healthy, productive and prosperous”.
2. Mission
“To protect and promote the health of the Sidama Region’s people by addressing their most pressing nutrition and public health problems through problem-focused research.”
3. Core Values
• Evidence based decision: We generate high quality research findings for evidence based decisions.
• Research ethics and professional commitment: We work with integrity and do no harm to patients and keep the maximum benefit of research to them.
• Creativity and innovation: We believe in creative and innovative thinking to address public health problems.
• Customer satisfaction: We serve our customers to their best satisfaction with respect and courtesy.
• Transparency and communication: We are reachable, accessible and open to communication.
• Continuous learning and improvement: We recognize scientific and technical staff as our most important resources and therefore we believe in learning, growth and excellence.
• Collaboration and partnership: We are committed for scientific collaboration and partnership.
• Team work: We work as a team in harmony with maximum knowledge sharing.
• Accountability: We focus on results