Sidama Hawassa

Health Development Plan, Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate

Objectives of the Directorate

• To provide advices to the senior management on the Institute’s strategies and results (thematic areas, strategic results, strategic objectives, strategic initiatives) of public health development.

• To set medium and long-term regional public health institute development goals, objectives and strategies.

• To plan and implement the SPHI’s development strategies.

• To monitor the implementation of the institute’s projects and programs.

• To evaluate the performance and impact of regional public health institute development plan.

• To analyze the institute’s programs for ensuring the regional public health development agenda.

Health Development Plan, Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate  has the following roles and responsibilities:    

Planning both Strategic and annual plans (comprehensive plan, core plan, joint plan, program flagship initiative plan) of the Institute,

Defining themes, strategic results, goals/objectives, indicators, strategic initiatives,

Conduct situational analysis (SWOT and PEST analysis), Analyses  resource gap by source and program, and costing the plan,

Preparing project/program monitoring and evaluation log frame;

Conduct Monitoring and integrative supportive supervision, 

Facilitate and Conduct training, Conduct evaluation/research,

Resource mobilization and grant management,

Developing fund rising project proposals based on thematic areas/priorities, resource gaps and the respective donors’ guidelines and standards;